venerdì 16 novembre 2012

Republican Party:The storm of changing maybe is arriving.

“Times are changing. Are we going to accept the changing face to America and change with it?” That is the question wondered by Meaghan Mc Cain. This thinking summarizes the fear of Republican Party to accept or deny the new American’s realty.

According many political analysts, the American election didn’t re-elect only for a second term Barack Obama, but the American citizens have decided to continue on the way. His victory could be considered like an irreversible triumph of a new America, in which all of the American citizens are including without discrimination. Barack Obama was able to talk towards all of communities and obtained from them a good vote. In fact, in the new American society, black, Hispanic, homosexual, heterosexual, religious are becoming more important and they have to be understand, neither of a candidate could  forget them and especially they  have the same rights. In that society it’s important to defend all of their right, not only the right of the American older tradition. This advice will be suitable for Republican Party. They have to redefine their policy towards all of American citizens.

During the last campaign, Mitt Romney didn’t any effort towards some communities such as Black community he didn’t try anything, about Hispanic he was hurting them by talking far right position on immigration during the Republican primary. Steve Schmidt, a Republican strategist argued that: “This is, this will have to be, the last time that the Republican Party tries to win this way “. His affirmation explains clearly that part of the Republican is trying to move forward and accept the changing in American society. The Republican Party should to move forwards on many topics such as:

-          Immigration;
-          Minorities right and welfare (including the women);
     However, regarding that, Meghan Cain one of the Republican partisan journalists has argued that she could leave Republican Party and become an independent. Clearly if the Republican Party isn’t moving forward, adapting to the new American society, it isn’t going to survive.


2 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. Your opinion is very shareable!!
    To understand the situation of the GOP it’s sufficient look the title of an article published in :
    Election aftermath: GOP soul-searching: 'Too old, too white, too male'? (1)
    If the GOP want to win the next election must try to take the vote of ethnic minorities, especially Hispanic.
    As the professor Alan Abramowitz of the Emory University underlines , the two parties are polarized between urban zones (Democrats) and rural zones (Republicans) and also they are always more divided between an electoral base attached to the ethnic minorities (Democrats) and one attached to the Caucasian population (Republicans).(2)
    Mitt Romney lost African Americans votes, he only received a poor 26% of the Asian American vote and obviously, the GOP biggest mistake was with Latinos, who votes for the President with a enormous margin (about 70% to 26%).
    It’s interesting to note that in the fifties, the percentage of votes of the Democratic Party that originated from black, hispanic or Asian lectors was 7%: today it is 36%. (3)
    Some of these minorities are in rapids demographic growth: the latinos were less than 1% of the electoral body in 1972 while this year they have constituted the 10% of the Americans that went to the urns.(4)
    So now all eyes are on Rubio, the GOP senator of Florida, to help his party to get out of this political abyss with Hispanic voters.
    If Rubio can run for the 2016 presidential election, his advisers says that he will not become only the Latino candidate but a conservative leader that can explain to Hispanics that the Republican Party’s values are their values: social conservatism, family and free-market entrepreneurialism. (5)
    “The conservative movement should have particular appeal to people in minority and immigrant communities who are trying to make it,” Rubio posted on his Facebook profile “and Republicans need to work harder than ever to communicate our beliefs to them”.(6)

    Roberto Pellizzaro

    3) Ivi
    4) ivi
